Product Categories
Kalmar Group offers a wide range of defence and security products. Below you will find a list of the main product categories, we are offering to our customers in the Nordic region.
Overview of product categories
- EOD: Robots, protective suits, tools, ground search equipment etc.
- Engineering material
- Weaponry: Weapons, mounts, sights, ammunitions, explosives, grenades and more
- Artillery systems
- Electro optics: Thermal imagers, electro optics, range finders, drone detection
- Electronic Warfare Systems
- NBC: detectors, identifiers, protective measures
- Check point: X-ray, metal detectors, ETDs, alco-meters
- X-ray: backpack type, van/trailer based, body scanners, baggage scanners, pallet scanners, container scanners etc.
- Police and Forensic: Products and consumables for crime-scene and police laboratories
- Spare parts: Engineering equipment, tanks, aircrafts, ships
- Offset assistance
- Consultancy services
- In-country service platform: Technical maintenance, spare part centre, logistics
If you cannot find the specific product you require, please contact Kalmar Group at or call us at +45 20 29 49 99. We are dedicated to finding the right solution for you and we have a vast network of suppliers and partners to back us up.